Gills Pier Natural Beauty Road (GP-NBR)
Natural Beauty Road - the segment of Gills Pier that is dirt is a register Natural Beauty road. For CCC to improve the roadway (install fiber) we must conduct a public meeting and receive township approval. Once the approval is obtained we can be issued a permit. Click on PDF for an overview of the improvements. The meeting will be Oct 13, 2020 at 7:00pm at the Leelanau Township hall. It is critical that you attend this meeting and express your support.
Leelanau Township public meeting 10-13-2020 published agenda include how to attend remotely
We encourage remote participation.
The township hall has limited space for social distancing.
We need your support
Allow CCC to knife a path along the East side of the NBR at 30 inch to 36 inch depth.
Approximate center of road way to outside edge of road is 11 feet 6 inches.
Road way tree line varies 18 feet from center to 21 feet from center
We have staked three examples of this near the area where the paved turns to dirt.
CCC proposes knifing along the area between the outside edge of the road and the 18 foot point
CCC estimates that the conduit will be on average 16-18 feet from center line of roadway.
Currently AT&T is 12-13 feet from center line of roadway on the west side
CCC will need to bore under utilities in an estimated 4 locations. At 16-18 feet from center line of roadway we do not anticipate any tree removals.
The County requires that all utilities be at 28 feet to 33 feet. This would require removing trees in at least 16 locations in area are about 10 feet deep by 20 foot wide
Knifing at 16-18 feet from center line would not require any tree removal.
CCC has knifed approximately 2,500 feet on Gills Pier road from the start of the Natural Beauty Road heading south on the west side. The knifing operation is barely noticeable.
CCC would place main line vaults on the east side at approximately 18 feet from center line in line with a driveway that is on the west side.
This will allow CCC to use the driveway to bore under the roadway to the vault on the east side without removing any trees.
CCC would place a small vault near the drive (much like a sprinkler system vault to protect the conduit path across the road. This path would be used to get fiber from the house to the east side of the road.
CCC is asking that each household support this plan.
CCC is asking that the Leelanau township board approve our plan.
CCC is asking that the Leelanau county road commission issue a permit the following week.
There are many requirements outline in the NBR legislation. Such as:
The township is required to act on the application in 14 days. The application was submitted to the township Sept 3, 2020. We understand that this process is new to everyone and therefore we are working with the township to work through this unique and new process.
The legislation has two criteria for when the LCRC can approve the permit:
Immediately or
Within 12 days.
The LCRC is to have a public procedures for addressing the points outlined in the NBR legislation
Most important point: CCC understands that this is a new process and there have been missed steps in the past. We are asking that the LCRC approve the permit next week so that we can get the fiber in the ground and you connected this year. Delaying until November 3, 2020 has a high chance of CCC needing to move this project until spring. Any delay is costly and we have already dispatch one of our crews to another county while we wait on this action.
CCC is asking that you express how important fiber to the home and great internet access is to you and your family.
The Governor of Michigan has recently as part of COVID defined CCC and like telecommunications providers as essential service providers.
The Michigan Public Service commission has defined CCC as a CLEC. A utility.
CCC understand that fiber to the home is essential to our economic recovery and many are choosing to stay in Northern Michigan to work and play during this pandemic.