Presque Isle and Krakow Townships Status page
You will find some difference between the feasibility petition and the CCC reservation form. Click here for further details
a) Click on the signup link (above)
b) Your will be asked to provide your name and e-mail address
c) You will receive an e-mail address that contains a link to the
electronic form.
d)Complete the form and you will be included in the project.
Petition goals
Fixed Point Wireless
Verifying petitions to confirm we reached our goal!
Fiber to the Home
204 received
Great response!
Phase 1 - FPW
After a small delay supply chain, FCC and some zoning language: CCC sales will begin the process of sending electronic signature forms to each e-mail address we have on file.
This process will require approximately 30 days to collect signatures (A link will be sent to your e-mail).
First step: click on the link and enter your e-mail address when prompted.
A electronic version of the reservation form will be sent.
Electronically sign the document
Once we match your address to a service tower
When the service tower is ready to provide service
We will secure an installation date and
Collect the installation fee
Following are answers to the most common questions being asked by households in Presque Isle and Krakow Township.
What is the status of the effort?
The feasibility study journey is coming to an end. We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback, knocked on doors, attended meetings and expressed a willingness to become a CCC customer. On March 16, 2020 C.C.C. delivered a hardcopy of the feasibility study to the members of the Presque Isle Board of Trustees. With the feasibility study and POC project approved we can proceed to the Proof of Concept phase of the MEDC grant.
The feasibility study helped to identify a number of potential barriers that needed to be addressed before we can move forward with step (4) Construction and Step (5) Connection.
Changes required to PI Zoning / ordinance language in support of towers,
Changes required to Krakow Zoning / ordinance language in support of towers,
To construct towers CCC must identify land owners willing to host temporary towers,
To determine the cost of construction for towers and fiber CCC must Identify soil conditions,
With both Fixed Point wireless and Fiber on the table CCC had to identify possible approaches to delivering High Speed Internet and Telephone services that complimented both aspects without increasing the over cost of delivery and
The most important aspect identifying or quantifying demand for Fixed Point Wireless and Fiber to the Home.
The Proof of Concept should be completed shortly. The link has been established and we are arranging for the township committee to verify.
Why is CCC doing Fixed Point wireless?
First: The MEDC grant required we consider Fixed Point Wireless. During the grant process we identified that 40% of the population had no solution available and the current wireless delivery was unreliable. With barriers removed delivering wireless would enable a significant level of the population to have High Speed Internet.
Second: The effort to develop the fiber backbone from Posen, Alpena, and Rogers city is in excess of $2.8 million. This will be done in phases. As the backbone is being developed we will convert customers from Fixed Point Wireless to Fiber to the Home.
What is the primary reason we can not do fiber first?
Delivering fiber requires two aspects.
A connection to your home and a fiber path to the world wide web (www).
The region you have chosen to live in has limited options for Fiber to the WWW. CCC has estimated to build fiber from Posen to Grand lake would cost over a million dollars. This can be justified over time by establishing a fixed point wireless revenue stream allowing CCC the revenue for capital reinvestment.
How many customers does CCC require to start with Fixed Point wireless?
To keep the installation cost as low as possible CCC will require a minimum of 200 Fixed Point wireless installations with confirmed monthly subscriptions. Fixed Point wireless installation starts at $349.00.
What is the monthly cost (subscription) of Fixed Point wireless? This pricing is the standard CCC pricing throughout the CCC network.
$88.00 - Speed 8Mbps
$120.00 - Speed 10Mbps
$180.00 - Speed 15Mbps
The 6Mbps plan was removed from CCC offering based on feedback from customers that 6Mbps was not meeting their needs.
The majority of new installs over the past 12 months has been at the 10Mbps level.
No Data Charges
Supports VoIP - CCC VoIP only $15.00
Mbps is Mega Bits per second - a standard measurement for speed. Mega Bytes are a measurement of data. CCC offers on all plans unlimited data.
Is Cherry Capital Connection committed to delivering generational service to Grand Lake? Yes.
When can fixed point wireless construction start?
Our plans are to complete the Proof of Concept (POC) during July 2020 and begin offering fixed point wireless services by August 2020.
Updates will be published regularly at the web site
For information email
Phase 2 - FttH
What will be the monthly cost (subscription) of Fiber to the Home? This pricing is the standard CCC pricing throughout the CCC network.
$88.00 - Speed 50Mbps
$108.00 - Speed 75Mbps
$128.00 - Speed 100Mbps
The 25Mbps plan was removed from CCC offering based on feedback from customers that 25Mbps was not meeting their needs.
The majority of new installs over the past 12 months has been at the 50Mbps level. 200Mbps service can be quoted.
No Data Charges
Supports VoIP - CCC VoIP only $15.00
Mbps is Mega Bits per second - a standard measurement for speed. Mega Bytes are a measurement of data. CCC offers on all plans unlimited data.
Fixed Point Wireless Sign Up Link
10-08-2020 - Final zoning language approved for deploying Fixed Point wireless
Working on details associated with portage deli mast
CBRS equipment has started to arrive
The process of collecting the installation fees for the first 100 consumers will begin shortly.
Construction of the tower at the PIHA Maintenance facility has begun
Construction of the tower at the Posen tower site has begun
Second middle mile fiber contract for connecting the Posen tower to fiber has been signed.
Proof of Concept link established (06-01-2020)
Announcement that CCC is transitioning from the feasibility study to a community wide commitment to deliver services has been done.

Fixed Point Wireless distribution centers - Construction begins July 2020
Eight Locations
Transition to Fiber distribution centers during phase II
Proof of concept
Is not a distribution center.
Delivered 50Mbps service
Fiber feed is Reach-3MC meet point. This meet point will complement our current Reach-3MC meet point in Moltke township. Having two meet points creates a redundant network.
Differences between feasibility petition and CCC reservation form
The feasibility petition asked if you would support a project based on specific information. This criteria was established in early 2019 with a discussion between CCC and the internet committee.
After the feasibility study was completed and CCC evaluated the market we finalized our reservation form.
Here are some of the differences
The petition offered a $249.00 installation for Fixed Point wireless. There was an additional $10 per month connection for 24 months. This would have created a $489 total installation fee.
The new CCC FPW reservation installation fee is $349 with no connection fee. We still ask for a 24 month commitment with no commitment fee. We trust that once a commitment is made it is kept.
The feasibility petition offered a single Fixed Point Wireless service level of 6Mbps for $70.00 with no warranty on equipment.
The CCC FPW reservation form offers three standard subscription levels
$88 per month for 8Mbps
$120 per month for 10Mbps
$185 per month for 15Mbps
The CCC monthly subscription rate includes full warranty on all parts and labor as long as your account is in good standings. We call this ESP.